Fall Tour of Peace Brigades International Colombia Volunteer

This fall, PBI Colombia volunteer Lizzie Brock will embark on a speaking tour from October through mid-November. Lizzie will speak about her experiences accompanying threatened human rights leaders in Colombia. She will begin her tour in Washington D.C., then travel through the South and up the West Coast. A tentative itinerary calls for her to travel through Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington.

If interested in sponsoring this tour in your community, contact Pete Stanga (at pbiusa@igc.org)

Peace Brigades International/USA

1904 Franklin Street, Suite 505

Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 663-2362 (phone)

(510) 663-2364 (fax)


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